Written By: Lisa Chutjian
ince 1996, a group of very special adults who are deaf and hard of hearing have shared their life experiences to help teenagers with hearing loss learn to lead and to speak up for themselves and others.
AG Bell’s Leadership Opportunities for Teens (LOFT) program calls on our students to leave their “comfort zone” and try new things alongside people they have only just met.
It isn’t easy.
But over the course of a few days, LOFT teens form new bonds with other teens and with adults with hearing loss – often for the first time – and they are emboldened to speak out, to test boundaries, and to include others in their personal experience of what it means to hear, to speak up and lead others. Many are going on to achieve great things in school and their careers. This is why continuing AG Bell’s LOFT program is crucial.
You can make the choice today to change a teen’s life forever.
For over 23 years, gifts from people like you, from family foundations, and from corporations have empowered more than 500 kids to face their personal challenges and emerge triumphant. You make a difference, and it is your support that helps our teens succeed.
Please make your gift and give our teens an experience that will last a lifetime.
Your gift will be matched 100% by a long-term donor.
Please click the “Donate Now” button below to designate your gift to the LOFT program. Together, let’s continue to help teens with hearing loss take the lead and live a life without limits!