AG Bell remembers Donald McGee.
Donald McGee was born in Ottumwa, Iowa. He attended both Grinnell College and the University of Iowa before receiving his MEd at the University of Illinois. He moved to Washington, D.C., where he met his husband, Joseph Rosenstein.
In Washington, Donald received his doctorate and became involved with children with disabilities. He was a superintendent for the Fairfax County School District, in the school that was for students who were deaf and hard of hearing, spearheading efforts in special education.
Donald was active with AG Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, serving on its board of directors and on various committees.
At both AG Bell and Gallaudet College, he encouraged students to achieve higher levels of education, always advocating for total communication.
After retiring, Donald continued his work as an interpreter for people who were deaf with National Park Services and the Office of the Speaker of the House. He was a gardener and loved classical music and playing the piano.
Donald died peacefully in his sleep early in the morning on April 1, 2023.
He is survived by his nieces and nephews in the Midwest and West Coast, and his sisters-in-law, Leah Ryan of East Rockaway, NY, and Judy Bray of New York City, and numerous friends.
Donald requested that there be no funeral and memorial services. Donations can be made to the “Dr. Joseph Rosenstein & Dr. Donald McGee Scholarship Fund”, made out to AG Bell, 3417 Volta Place, NW, Washington DC 20007 or online to
He was loved and will be missed for his kindness, gentle personality.
Donald Ivan McGee
Donald nació en Ottumwa, Iowa. Estudió en el Grinnell College y en la Universidad de Iowa antes de licenciarse en la Universidad de Illinois. Se trasladó a Washington D.C., donde conoció a su esposo, Joseph Rosenstein.
En Washington, Donald se doctoró y empezó a trabajar con niños con discapacidades. Fue superintendente del distrito escolar del condado de Fairfax, en la escuela para alumnos con sordera e hipoacusia, liderando las iniciativas en educación especial.
Donald participó activamente en la AG Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, formando parte de su junta directiva y de diversos comités.
Tanto en AG Bell como en el Gallaudet College, animó a los alumnos a que alcanzaran niveles de educación superior, reivindicando siempre una comunicación completa.
Tras jubilarse, Donald siguió trabajando como intérprete de personas con sordera en los Servicios de Parques Nacionales y en la oficina del presidente de la Cámara de Representantes. Le encantaba la jardinería, la música clásica y tocar el piano.
Donald falleció en paz mientras dormía en la mañana del 1 de abril de 2023.
Le sobreviven sus sobrinas y sobrinos del Medio Oeste y la Costa Oeste, sus cuñadas, Leah Ryan (East Rockaway, NY) y Judy Bray (ciudad de Nueva York) y numerosos amigos.
Donald pidió que no se celebraran servicios funerarios ni conmemorativos. Se pueden realizar donaciones en el fondo «Dr. Joseph Rosenstein & Dr. Donald McGee Scholarship Fund», a través de AG Bell, 3417 Volta Place, NW, Washington DC 20007, o en línea a
Era una persona muy querida y se le extrañará por su bondad y su amable personalidad.