A Lesson in Politics

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Pre-K teacher Michelle Puryear was no stranger to recognizing children’s behavior and learning. However, when her own child, Claire, was born, it took nearly six months before they realized she had hearing difficulty.

AG Bell’s Summer Interns

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This summer, AG Bell welcomed 12 interns to its virtual office to help out in a number of capacities. Interns are a critical part of the AG Bell staff and bring a wide breadth of knowledge and skills to the organization.

AG Bell Remembers George H. Nofer

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George H. Nofer was more than just an enthusiastic lawyer and educator. He was dedicated to advancing the education of children who are deaf and hard of hearing, and was particularly passionate about encouraging young, talented people to achieve their full potential. He passed away on April 19, 2021 at age 94.

Abbey’s Road

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Abigail Russell, or Abbey, an AG Bell intern and a Leadership Opportunities for Teens (LOFT) graduate, recently decided to get her first cochlear implant—at the age of 23. Born with a condition called Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct (EVA), which affects hearing in children, Abbey’s hearing fluctuated in and out for the first few years, although she says she could usually hear.

The Perfect Vision

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Jack McConnell describes the kid-version of himself as “a basic, bland kid who liked his comic books,” but he is anything but basic or bland. At age 11, he started his own nonprofit called 20/20 Hearing, directed at funding audiology equipment and services for people who needed them.

LOFT in the Time of Coronavirus

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Yet another of AG Bell’s annual highlights, the Leadership Opportunities for Teens (LOFT), remained unthwarted by the pandemic this July. Though the event moved online, it still brought together teenagers who are deaf and hard of hearing from around the country…

Why I Contribute to AG Bell: John Stanton

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John Stanton serves on AG Bell’s Board of Directors. As a lawyer, he has advocated for AG Bell in a variety of legal matters. He served as AG Bell’s counsel in court cases impacting the rights of people who are deaf and hard of hearing, as well as more generally for people with disabilities.